Young People Policies

Young People Policy – regarding transport to and from training and matches

Dropping off and collecting of Young People    

It is important that Parents/Carers provide contact numbers along with any alternative numbers if they are not contactable on the numbers given on the Club membership form. If these change please let the club know immediately. 

Late Collection 

If a Parent/Carer will be late in collecting their child/children and/or someone different will be collecting them, again please let the club know. Parents/Carers should familiarise themselves with the contact number(s) for the coaches / managers of their child’s age group.

In an emergency contact the Club Welfare Officer or Deputy:

Brian Dawbarn (07985 096375) or Mark Bailey (07542 563306)

 If a Parent/Carer is late and has not advised anyone they will be late, the Club will attempt to contact the Parent/Carer and/or any alternative contact name/number and wait with the Young Person at the Club with, wherever possible, other Staff/Volunteers or Parents.  When someone arrives the Club representative will remind Parents/Carers of the policy relating to late collection.

If Parents/Carers cannot be contacted after 20 minutes, the Club will report the situation to Social Services or the Police.

Transport to and from matches and /or training.

It is not the responsibility of the coach or team manager to transport, or arrange to transport, children to and from the club or match.

  • Parents/carers are responsible for the safe delivery and collection of their child for matches or training. If they are to be taken to games by other parents or coaches / managers, they should give written permission to the person taking children to games and the person taking any children should have comprehensive insurance for their vehicle. In no circumstance should a coach, manager or parent be on his / her own with a child other than their own.
  • Information by email/text will be distributed which relates to all planned away fixtures or competitions to provide parents/carers with an opportunity to make appropriate arrangements.
  • Coaches and club staff will be responsible for children in their care when on the club premises or on arrival at opponents’ cricket grounds.
  • Rayleigh Cricket Club will seek permission from parents/carers for children to participate in all competitions and away fixtures/events. Parents/carers should “pick up and drop off” their children to/from the coach or age group manager, and should always be prompt, and if delayed the coach or manager should be contacted.

Policy regarding Missing Children

  • If a child goes missing the Club will instigate a search and immediately contact the Parent/Carer and/or any alternative contact name/number and advise them that everything is being done to find their child. A nominated person will be in charge of the search and all searchers will report to him / her. If the child cannot be found after 20 minutes, the matter will be reported to the Police, who will advise what further action, if any, is to be taken.

Photography and Video camera Policy

  • Rayleigh CC wishes to ensure photography and video footage taken within cricket is done appropriately. Parents should not be prevented from taking pictures of, or filming, their own child(ren). These are normal family practices and help mark milestones in a child’s life. The pictures should not include other children without the permission of the coach or manager. The introduction of proportionate controls on the use of photographic equipment (cameras, and videos, including mobile phones) is part of general safeguarding good practice.
  • Young players under the age of 18 will be informed if a person intends to take photographs.
  • Young players will be informed that if they have concerns they can report these to the coach or team manager.
  • Concerns regarding inappropriate, or intrusive, photography should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer and will be recorded in the same manner as any other child protection concern. Parents will be asked for parental/ carers permission to use their child’s image. This should be shown in the section on the membership form concerning this matter.
  • Wherever possible the image will be shown to the parents and child in advance.

Shower and Changing Policy

  • Adults must not change, or shower, at the same time using the same facility as young players under the age of 18.
  • Adults should change at separate times to young players under the age of 18 before and during, for example, when young players are padding up or changing.
  • If adults and young players under the age of 18 need to share a changing facility, the club must have consent from parents that their young players can share a changing room with adults in the club. this can be shown in the section on the membership form concerning this matter
  • If young players play for adult teams, they, and their parents, must be informed of the club’s policy on changing arrangements.
  • Mixed gender teams must have access to separate male and female changing rooms
  • Mobile phones must not be used in changing rooms.

If young players are uncomfortable changing or showering at the club, they should arrange for the section on the membership form concerning this matter shows they will change at home.

Young Players Playing in Adult Cricket Policy

  • Boys and girls who are County squad and area squad players, are able to play open age group cricket if they are in an U12 age group and are a minimum of 11 years old on 1st September of the year preceding the season.
  • District and club players who are not in a County or area squad must wait until they reach the U13 age group, be in Year 8 and be 12 years old on 1st September of the preceding year before being able to play in any open age group cricket.
  • Written parental consent is required for these players. Forms are available from the Club Welfare Officer.
  • No young player will be placed in a position that involves an unreasonable risk to that young player, taking account of the circumstances of the match and the relative skills of the player.
  • A situation will not be created that places members of the opposing side in a position whereby they cannot play cricket as they would normally do against adult players.
  • Playing Open Age Cricket should be a positive experience for young players.
  • The Club should provide an opportunity for players to show their talents in an appropriate way.


            Rayleigh Cricket Club – Young Player Policies

            Last updated: November 2018